Ryde da TYDE: Being Kind
Kind as an adjective is a sympathetic or helpful nature; a forbearing nature; arising from or characterized by sympathy or forbearance (2)a kind to give pleasure or relief, affectionate, loving. You may wonder what is up with the definition? Well, let me express:
As children we are taught to be kind, sharing our toys is being kind, sharing snacks or crayons is being kind, helping someone with their groceries is being kind, shoveling someone walkway is… you got it… being kind. What about in conversation, our tone should be kind, the words/mannerisms, yep kind such as “May I”, “Please”, Thank you”, “You’re Welcome”, “Excuse me”, “Pardon Me” you get the gest. It is this word that has been projected to other people, and even situations.
I would like to flip the page, change the book and suggest how important it is to BE KIND TO OURSELVES! I believe it is apart of self-care, healing, and loving ourselves. This is something I had to learn and am still learning. We can be our own worst critic that it almost makes us seem in human. I have been one who if something did not go correct, home, work, finances that I would focus on the “why didn’t I see it come”, “what did I do that”, “I should have never” (put your response here) and then worry myself in that as well as trying to develop a plan so that it won’t happen again. Now, you may say what is wrong with that, nothing. We should always try to learn from our mistakes and seek a better solution. But what happens when you criticize yourself on things that was not in your control. That is not good. It could lead to self guilt, self unforgiveness, low self-esteem, self-worthlessness.
I want to encourage you to look in the mirror, I mean really look and see that YOU ARE HUMAN, not super-human, not a robot, and yes, I am going to say it NOT PERFECT. “Fix your face” Be KIND TO YOU, YOURSELF, OURSELVES is important for our mental, physical, spiritually and for our soul. Take the pressure off of attempting to be perfect for whomever and just be unapologetically YOU.
Speak to yourself, I am LOVED; I am of self-worth, I am valuable, I am unique, I am victorious; get to know YOU, who are you and what is it that God is speaking or showing You about YOU. I had to learn this when my son, transition from COVID. My counselor spoke those words to me, and along with others speaking life to, I have/am learning to BE KIND TO MYSELF. No stress, no worry, somethings it is what it is and somethings, is an ouch, pray, develop a strategy and keep walking into my divine purpose & position.
I conclude in saying - IT IS WHAT IT IS - and pray, listen, develop and WALK INTO YOU DIVINE PURPOSE & POSITION.