DyM3e, LLC Life Coaching / Grief Support

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I have been transformed by grief. This is something I would have never imagined. I don’t know how to explain it all so I decided to begin blogging. My experiences throughout my life about grief is something that I have come to understand that I was taught to suppress my feelings. But when the tragedy of the death of my middle son hit, and then my dad about 9 months later - it is through therapy and journaling I realized that my grief was not just him, but my grandmother, my grandfather, my mom, my uncles, my spiritual Godmother, Godmommy, and so many others. I have learned to suppress it all, to move forward and smile. But this one, MY son, my heart literally broke, I felt every crack, It shattered to pieces. And me being a Daddy’s Girl, shattered again. And still today, four years later, I have moments. That is why I have called it Ride Da Tyd3. I will begin to share my thoughts, prayers, encouraging words, not just about grief but however Father leads me to be a blessings to someone with faith that they will be engaged, enriched & empowered.